
Tumescent Liposuction: An Ideal Option

Tumescent liposuction is a proven procedure that offers quality results. Like traditional liposuction, it involves a use of a suction device for removing excess fat from the body. Unlike traditional liposuction, tumescent liposuction features the use of a tumescent solution injected into the body.

The tumescent solution has two roles to play. It will reduce the amount of pain and discomfort, and it will also minimize bleeding. These make the liposuction procedure much easier for both the patient and the plastic surgeon.

Here are three reasons why your doctor may suggest tumescent liposuction:

Removes More Fat

If you are aiming to lose large amounts of excess fat, the surgeon may recommend tumescent liposuction. This type of surgery will enable the surgeon to remove more fat from the body. The fat removal can also be performed over a large area of the body using this method.

Minimizes Blood Loss

In surgical procedures, blood loss is a major concern. Excess bleeding can lead to serious complications. Tumescent liposuction has the benefit of minimizing blood loss as compared to traditional liposuction.

The tumescent solution injected into the body before surgery causes the blood vessels to become smaller, which minimizes the blood flow to the area, and as a result, there is less loss of blood.

Results in Less Discomfort

Since the tumescent solution also contains a numbing agent called lidocaine, the patient will not feel much discomfort during the procedure. Lidocaine is a local anesthetic and will serve to numb the region. Because of this, patients do not have to use general anesthesia, which carries a greater risk of potential complications.

The Tumescent Liposuction Recovery Process

It can take from ten days to a few weeks to recover from tumescent liposuction, depending on the amount of excess fat being removed. You may need to stay at the hospital overnight, but this is typically an outpatient procedure.

You might need someone to stay with you at home for the first couple of days to help with everyday activities. You may need to take some time off of work until the healing process is complete.

Patients sometimes experience temporary mild discomfort, numbness, swelling, and bruising of the area that was targeted for liposuction; these issues can be treated with medications and other solutions suggested by your doctor.

Understand that the procedure cannot be used as a replacement for good diet and exercise. It does not enable extensive weight loss but is instead specifically used for targeted excess fat reduction.

Your Helpful Consultation

To find out if tumescent liposuction is ideal for your fat-reduction goals, it’s best to contact Ordon Chopra Plastic Surgery and schedule your informative consultation.

During your consultation, your doctor will look at your medical history, learn about your aesthetic needs and goals, and explain the reasons why you might want to choose tumescent liposuction. You will be able to ask any questions you may have regarding the procedure.

A skilled board certified plastic surgeon with experience in performing tumescent liposuction will offer the best results. Doctors Andrew Ordon and Ritu Chopra are two plastic surgeons with years of experience and countless satisfied patients. Get in touch today!